
Children's Workshop March 23, 2025

Domenica 30 marzo alle 10.30 si svolgerà il laboratorio per bambini "Aureum tempum: in nome del tempo e del guadagno"

Letters from the future

31/05/2024 - 28/02/2026
“Letters from the future”: among the events there is also an accelerated course in writing a love letter by Emiliano Gucci: a proposal aimed at children aged 14 and over

Sabato 6 - Domenica 7 aprile 2024

06/04/2024 - 07/04/2024
Visite guidate gratuite su prenotazione

December 13, 2023

12/12/2023 - 13/12/2023
Apertura solo la mattina

"The Merchant and Margherita"

From 9 September to 19 November many events to celebrate 600 years from the death of Margherita Bandini.
