Letters from the future

31/05/2024 - 28/02/2026

The event for children organized by the Pia dei Ceppi Foundation with the patronage and contribution of the Municipality of Prato is entitled "Letters from the future". A tribute to Francesco Datini and Margherita Bandini and their extensive correspondence. But above all a proposal to rediscover a tool that has today become special and precious: while communication has become immaterial, the letter is a tangible sign of a relationship that is destined to last.

The writer from Prato Emiliano Gucci will guide the boys and girls in an "Accelerated course in writing a love letter" on June 7th at 4pm at Palazzo Datini. Inspired by more or less recent literary ideas, workshop participants will be able to take their love letter home, naturally without the need to share it with the rest of the participants.

Illustrator Silvia Baroncelli will instead guide boys and girls aged 6 to years in writing a letter to a friend, drawn and animated. The workshop will take place on June 12th at 4pm at Palazzo Datini.

“Letters from the future is a double event that we care about a lot, which finds its ideal context inside Palazzo Datini: here Francesco and his wife Margherita can relive it through their exceptional epistolary correspondence which has survived to the present day, full of extraordinary testimonies of their work, the lifestyle of their time and the affection that united them. - comments Isabella Ponsiglione, president of the Pia dei Ceppi Foundation - We wanted to propose to younger people an approach linked not only to narration but above all to the experience of doing, giving space to emotions, to creativity aimed towards the future, to leave a trace of oneself and tell their world through the guidance of exceptional facilitators.“

“Palazzo Datini, after the routes shared with the Museum of Palazzo Pretorio, confirms itself as being very attentive to further opening towards the city and - working on its own heritage - offers two events not to be missed in the name of the written word”, adds Simone Mangani, councilor for culture of the Municipality of Prato - “

Both workshops are free. Reservations are welcome at info@museocasadatini.it. Participants will be provided with special writing paper created for the occasion. 

The initiative was carried out thanks to the patronage and contribution of the Municipality of Prato, with the support of the Cassa di Risparmio di Prato Foundation.